2025 |  | Nartallo-Kaluarachchi R., Bonetti L., Fernandez-Rubio G., Vuust P., Deco G., Kringelbach M.L., Lambiotte R. & Goriely A. (2025) Multilevel irreversibility reveals higher-order organisation of non-equilibrium interactions in human brain dynamics. PNAS, in press. |
|  | Bonetti L., Vestberg T., Jafari R., Seghezzi D., Ingvar M., Kringelbach M.L., Goncalves A.F. & Petrovic P. (2025) Decoding the elite soccer player’s psychological profile. PNAS, 122(3): e2415126122. |
|  | Vohryzek J., Sanz Perl Y., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2025) Beyond cortical geometry: Brain dynamics shaped by rare long-range connections. PNAS 122(1): e2415102122. |
| | Van Maldegem, M., Vohryzek, J., Atasoy, S., Alnagger, N., Cardone, P., Bonhomme, V., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Demertzi, A., Jaquet, O., Bahri, M. A., Nunez, P., Kringelbach, M. L., Stamatakis, E. A. and Luppi, A. I. (2025) Connectome harmonic decomposition tracks the presence of disconnected consciousness during ketamine-induced unresponsiveness. Br J Anaesth., in press |
| | Hoffmann C.S., Hoegholt P., Vuust P., Kringelbach M.L. & Jespersen K.V. (2025) The effect of music on pregnancy-related insomnia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Midwifery, 104294. |
|  | Deco G., Sanz Perl Y., Jerotic K., Eschrichs A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2025) Turbulence as a framework for brain dynamics in health and disease. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 169:105988 |
|  | Deco G., Sanz Perl Y. & Kringelbach M.L. (2025) Complex harmonics reveal low-dimensional manifolds of critical brain dynamics. PRE 111: 014410. |
2024 |  | Shinozuka, K., Jerotic, K., Mediano, P., Zhao, A. T., Preller, K. H., Carhart-Harris, R. & Kringelbach, M. L. (2024) Synergistic, multi-level understanding of psychedelics: three systematic reviews and meta-analyses of their pharmacology, neuroimaging and phenomenology. Transl Psychiatry 14, 485. |
| | Shinozuka, K., Tewarie PKB, Luppi A., Lynn C., Roseman L., Muthukumaraswamy S., Nutt D.J., Carhart-Harris R., Deco G. & Kringelbach, M. L. (2024) LSD flattens the hierarchy of directed information flow in fast whole-brain dynamics. Imaging Neuroscience, in press. |
| | Kringelbach M.L., Vuust P. & Deco G. (2024) Building a science of human pleasure, meaning-making and flourishing. Neuron, 112 (9), 1392-1396. |
|  | Deco G., Sanz Perl Y., Johnson S., Bourke N., Nutt D., Carhart-Harris R. & Kringelbach M.L. (2024) Different hierarchical reconfigurations in the brain by psilocybin and escitalopram for depression. Nature Mental Health, 2: 1096–1110. |
| | Hancock F., Rosas F., Luppi A., Zhang M., Mediano P., Cabral J., Deco G., Kringelbach, M. L., Breakspear M., Kelso S. & Turkheimer F. (2024) Metastability demystified — the foundational past, the pragmatic present, and the possible future. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 26(2):82-100. |
| | Escrichs A., Sanz Perl Y., Fisher P. M., Martinez-Molina N., Garzia-Guzman E., Frokjaer V. G., Kringelbach, M. L., Knudsen, G. M. and Deco, G. (2024) Whole-brain turbulent dynamics predict responsiveness to pharmacological treatment in major depressive disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, in press. |
| | Nartallo-Kaluarachchi R, Asllani M, Deco G, Kringelbach M.L., Goriely A & Lambiotte R. (2024) Broken detailed balance and entropy production in directed networks. PRE, 110(3-1):034313. |
| | Donaire A., Padilla N., Escrichs A., Khawja M., Setoain X., Rumia J., Roldan P., Bargallo N., Boget T., Pintor L., Centeno M., Conde E., Vernet O., Buendia J., Manzanares I., Aden U., Carreno M., Kringelbach, M.L. & Deco, G. (2024) Subject-based assessment of large-scale integration dynamics in epileptic brain networks: insights from the intrinsic ignition framework. Cereb. Cortex 34 (10):bhae419. |
| | Herzog R, Mediano PAM., Rosas F.E., Luppi A., Sanz Perl Y., Taggliazucchi E., Kringelbach M.L. Cofré R. & Deco G, Tagliazucchi E, Naccache L, Rohaut B, Sitt JD, & (2024) Neural mass modelling for the masses: Democratising access to whole-brain biophysical modelling with fastdmf. Network Neurosci-ence, 1-38. |
| | Camassa A, Torao-Angosto M, Manasanch A, Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. & Sanchez-Vives M.V. (2024) The temporal asymmetry of cortical dynamics as a signature of brain states. Scientific Report, 14(1):24271. |
| | Mindlin I, Herzog R, Belloli L, Manasova D, Monge-Asensio M, Vohryzek J, Escrichs A, Alnagger N, Núñez P, Gosseries O, Kringelbach M.L., Deco G, Tagliazucchi E, Naccache L, Rohaut B, Sitt JD, & Sanz Perl Y. (2024) Whole brain modelling for simulating pharmacological interventions on patients with disorders of consciousness. Communications Biology, 7(1):1176. |
|  | Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2024) Prefrontal cortex drives the flexibility of whole-brain orchestration of cognition. Current Opinion in Behavioral Science, 57: 101394. |
|  | Patow G., Martin I., Sanz Perl Y., Kringelbach M. L. & Deco G. (2024) Whole-brain modelling: An essential tool for understanding brain dynamics. Nature Reviews Methods Primers 4, 53. |
|  | Kringelbach M.L., Sanz Perl Y. & Deco G. (2024) The Thermodynamics of Mind. Trends in Cognitive Science, 28(6):568-581. |
|  | Szakács H, Mutlu MC, Balestrieri G, Gombos F, Braun J, Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. & Kovács (2024) Navigating Pubertal Goldilocks: The Optimal Pace for Hierarchical Brain Organization. Advanced Science, 2308364 |
| | Herff, S. A., Bonetti, L., Cecchetti, G., Vuust, P., Kringelbach, M. L. & Rohrmeier, M. A. (2024) Hierarchical syntax model of music predicts theta power during music listening. Neuropsychologia 199, 108905. |
| | Bonetti, L., Brattico, E., Carlomagno, F., Cabral, J., Stevner, A., Deco, G., Whybrow, P. C., Pearce, M., Pantazis, D., Vuust, P. & Kringelbach, M. L. (2024) Spatiotemporal whole-brain activity and functional connectivity of melodies recognition. Cereb. Cortex 34. |
| | Bonetti, L., Fernandez-Rubio, G., Lumaca, M., Carlomagno, F., Risgaard Olsen, E., Criscuolo, A., Kotz, S. A., Vuust, P., Brattico, E. & Kringelbach, M. L. (2024) Age-related neural changes underlying long-term recognition of musical sequences. Commun. Biol. 7, 1036. |
| | Martínez-Molina N., Escrichs A., Sanz Perl Y., Sihvonen A.J., Särkämöm T., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2024) The evolution of whole-brain turbulent dynamics during recovery from traumatic brain injury. Network Neuroscience 8(1), 158-177. |
| | Martínez-Molina N., Sanz Perl Y., Escrichs A., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2024) Turbulent dynamics and whole-brain modeling: toward new clinical applications for traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 18, 1382372. |
| | Tuulari JJ, Rajasilta O, Cabral J, Kringelbach M.L., Karlsson L & Karlsson H (2024) Maternal prenatal distress exposure negatively associates with the stability of neonatal frontoparietal network. Stress 27 (1), 2275207 |
|  | Vohryzek J., Cabral J., Timmermann C., Atasoy S., Roseman L., Nutt D.J., Carhart-Harris R.L., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2024) The flattening of spacetime hierarchy of the DMT brain state is characterised by harmonic decomposition of spacetime (HADES) framework. National Science Review, 11 (5), nwae124. |
|  | Bonetti L., Fernández-Rubio G., Dietz M.J., Pantazis D., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2024) Spatiotemporal brain hierarchies of auditory memory recognition and predictive coding. Nature Communications, 15:4313. |
|  | Ibanez A., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2024) A synergetic turn in cognitive neuroscience of brain diseases. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 28: 319-338. |
2023 |  | Jerotic K., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2023) Psychedelia – The interplay between music and psychedelics. ANYAS, 1531 (1), 12-28 |
| | Deco G., Lynn C., Sanz Perl Y. & Kringelbach M.L. (2023) Violations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem reveal distinct nonequilibrium dynamics of brain states. Physical Review E, 108 (6), 064410. |
| | Mediano P.A.M., Rosas F.E., Timmerman C., Roseman L., Nutt D.J., Feilding A., Kaelen M., Kringelbach M.L., Barrett A.B., Seth A.K., Muthukumaraswamy S., Bor D. & Carhart-Harris R. L. (2023) Effects of external stimulation on psychedelic state neurodynamics. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 15 (3), 462-471. |
|  | Vohryzek, Cabral J. Lord L-D., Fernandes H.M., Roseman L., Nutt D.J, Carhart-Harris R.L., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2023) Brain dynamics predictive of response to psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. Brain Communications, 6(2):fcae049. |
| | Tuulari J. J., Rajasilta O., Cabral J., Kringelbach M. L., Karlsson L. & Karlsson H. (2023) Maternal pre-natal distress exposure negatively associates with the stability of neonatal frontoparietal network. Stress, 1-12. |
|  | Tewarie P. K. B., Hindriks R., Lai Y. M., Sotiropoulos S. N., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2023) Non-reversibility outperforms functional connectivity in characterisation of brain states in MEG data. Neuroimage 276, 120186. |
|  | Sanz-Perl Y., Pallavicini C., Piccinini J., Demertzi A., Bonhomme V., Martial C., Panda R., Alnagger N., Annen J., Gosseries O., Ibanez A., Laufs H., Sitt J. D., Jirsa V. K., Kringelbach M. L., Laureys S., Deco G. & Tagliazucchi E. (2023) Low-dimensional organization of global brain states of reduced consciousness. Cell Reports 42, 112491. |
|  | Sanz-Perl Y., Mininni P., Tagliazucchi E., Kringelbach M. L. & Deco G. (2023) Scaling of whole-brain dynamics reproduced by high-order moments of turbulence indicators. Physical Review Research 5, 033183. |
|  | Mana L., Vila-Vidal M., Köckeritz C., Aquino K., Fornito A., Kringelbach M. L. & Deco G. (2023) Using in silico perturbational approach to identify critical areas in schizophrenia. Cerebral Cortex 33, 7642-7658. |
|  | Luppi A. I., Cabral J., Cofre R., Mediano P. A. M., Rosas F. E., Qureshi A. Y., Kuceyeski A., Tagliazucchi E., Raimondo F., Deco G., Shine J. M., Kringelbach M. L., Orio P., Ching S., Sanz Perl Y., Diringer M. N., Stevens R. D. & Sitt J. D. (2023) Computational modelling in disorders of consciousness: Closing the gap towards personalised models for restoring consciousness. Neuroimage 275, 120162. |
|  | Clusella P., Deco G., Kringelbach M. L., Ruffini G. & Garcia-Ojalvo J. (2023) Complex spatiotemporal oscillations emerge from transverse instabilities in large-scale brain networks. PLoS Comput Biol 19, e1010781. |
|  | Alonso S., Tyborowska A., Ikani N., Mocking R. J. T., Figueroa C. A., Schene A. H., Deco G., Kringelbach M. L., Cabral J. & Ruhé H. G. (2023) Depression recurrence is accompanied by longer periods in default mode and more frequent attentional and reward processing dynamic brain-states during resting-state activity. Hum Brain Mapp., 44(17):5770-5783. |
|  | Deco G., Sanz Perl Y., Ponce-Alvarez A., Tagliazucchi E., Whybrow P., Fuster J. & Kringelbach M.L. (2023) One ring to rule them all: The unifying role of prefrontal cortex in steering cognitive brain dynamics. Progress in Neurobiology 227: 102468. |
|  | Kringelbach M.L., Sanz Perl Y., Tagliazucchi E. & Deco G. (2023) Toward naturalistic neuroscience: Mechanisms underlying the flattening of brain hierarchical organisation in movie watching compared to rest and task. Science Advances, 9(2): eade6049. |
|  | Deco G., Liebana Garcia S., Sanz Perl Y., Tagliazucchi E. & Kringelbach M.L. (2023) The effect of turbulence in brain dynamics information transfer measured with magnetoencephalography. Communication Physics 6(1):74. |
|  | Ponce-Alvarez A., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2023) Critical scaling of whole-brain resting-state dynamics. Communication Biology 6(1): 627. |
|  | G-Guzmán E., Sanz Perl Y., Vohryzek J., Escrichs A., Manasova D., Türker B., Tagliazucchi E., Kringelbach M.L., Sitt J. & Deco G. (2023) The lack of temporal brain dynamics asymmetry as a signature of impaired consciousness states. Interface Focus, 13(3): 20220086 |
|  | Foster Vander Elst O., Foster N.H.D., Vuust P., Keller P.E. & Kringelbach M.L. (2023) The neuroscience of dance: A conceptual framework and systematic review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 105197. |
|  | Luppi A.I., Vohryzek J., Kringelbach M.L., Mediano P.M., Craig M. M., Adapa R., Carhart-Harris, R. L., Roseman, L., Pappas I., Finoia P., Williams G. B., Allanson J., Pickard J. D., Fletcher, P., Menon D. K., Atasoy S. & Stamatakis E.A (2023) Distributed harmonic patterns of structure-function dependence orchestrate human consciousness. Comms Biology 6:11. |
|  | Sanz-Perl Y., Fittipaldi S., Campo C.G., Moguilner S., Cruzat J., Herzog R., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., Prado P., Ibañez A. & Tagliazucchi E. (2023) Model-based whole-brain perturbational landscape of neurodegenerative diseases. eLife 12:e83970. |
|  | Padilla N., Escrichs A., Del Agua E., Kringelbach M.L., Donaire A., Deco G. & Åden U. (2023) Disrupted resting-state brain network dynamics in children born extremely preterm. Cerebral Cortex, bhad101. |
|  | Fernández-Rubio G., Olsen E., Klarlund M., Mallon O., Carlomagno F., Vuust P., Kringelbach M.L., Brattico E. & Bonetti L. (2023) Investigating the impact of age on auditory short-term, long-term, and working memory. Psychology of Music, 52(2), 187-198. |
|  | Cruzat J., Herzog R., Prado P., Sanz-Perl Y., Gonzalez-Gomez R., Moguilner S., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., Tagliazucchi E. & Ibañez A. (2023) Temporal irreversibility of large-scale brain dynamics in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(9):1643-1656. |
|  | Ruffini G., Damiani G., Lozano-Soldevilla D., Deco N., Rosas F.E., Kiani N.A., Ponce-Alvarez A., Kringelbach M.L., Carhart-Harris R. & Deco G. (2023) LSD-induced increase of Ising temperature and algorithmic complexity of brain dynamics. PLoS Computational Biology 19:2, e1010811. |
| | Eraifaj, J., Cabral J., Fernandes H.M., Kahan J., He S., Mancini L., Thornton J., White M., Yousry T., Zrinzo L., Akram H., Limousin P., Foltynie T., Aziz T.Z., Fitzgerald J., Deco G., Kringelbach M.L. & Green A.L. (2022) Modulation of limbic resting state networks by subthalamic deep brain stimulation. Network Neuroscience, 7 (2): 478-495. |
|  | Sanz Perl Y., Zamora-Lopez G., Montbrió E., Monge-Asensio M., Vohryzek J., Fittipaldi S., Campo C.G., Moguilner S., Ibañez A., Tagliazucchi E., Yeo BT., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2023) The impact of regional heterogeneity in whole-brain dynamics in the presence of oscillations. Network Neuroscience, 7 (2): 632-660 |
2022 |  | Bonetti L., Brattico E., Bruzzone S.E.P., Donati G., Deco G., Pantazis D., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) Brain recognition of previously learned versus novel temporal sequences: a differential simultaneous processing. Cerebral Cortex, bhac439. |
|  | Lebedev A.V., Abe C., Acar K., Deco G., Kringelbach M. L., Ingvar M. & Petrovic P. (2022) Large-scale societal dynamics are reflected in human mood and brain. Science Reports 12, 4646. |
| | Stark E.A, Berridge K.C & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) Neurobiology of liking. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics (eds. M. Skov & M. Nadal) Routledge: London, pp. 63-70. |
|  | Fernández-Rubio G., Carlomagno F., Vuust P., Kringelbach M.L. & Bonetti L. (2022) Associations between abstract working memory abilities and brain activity underlying long-term recognition of auditory sequences. PNAS Nexus 1, pgac216. |
|  | Fernández-Rubio G., Brattico E., Kotz S. A., Kringelbach M.L., Vuust P. & Bonetti L. (2022) Magnetoencephalography recordings reveal the spatiotemporal dynamics of recognition memory for complex versus simple auditory sequences. Commun. Biol. 5, 1272. |
| | Vohryzek J., Cabral J., Castaldo F., Sanz Perl Y., Lord L.D., Fernandes H., Litvak V., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2022) Dynamic Sensitivity Analysis: Defining personalised strategies to drive brain state transitions via whole brain modelling. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 21:335-345. |
| | Hoegholt N.F., Bonetti L., Stevner A.B.A., Andersen C.E., Hughes M., Fernandes H.M., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) A magnetoencephalography study of first-time mothers listening to infant cries. Cerebral Cortex, 33(10):5896-5905. |
|  | Luppi A.I., Cabal J., Cofre R., Destexhe A., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) Dynamical models to evaluate structure–function relationships in network neuroscience. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 23, 767-768. |
|  | Sanz Perl Y., Escrichs A., Sitt J., Tagliazucchi E., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2022) Strength-dependent perturbation of whole- brain model working in different regimes reveals the role of fluctuations in brain dynamics. PLoS Computational Biology 18, e1010662. |
|  | Hoegholt N.F., Buus S., Fernandes H.M., Sui J., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) On screen exper-iment showed that becoming a parent for the first time shifted people’s priorities from themselves to their infant at 1 year of age. Acta Pediatrica, 112(1): 85-92. |
|  | Hoegholt N.F., Buus S., Stevner A.B.A., Sui J., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) Sleep-deprived new mothers gave their infants a higher priority than themselves. Acta Pediatrica, 112(1):93-99. |
|  | Fasano M.C., Cabral J., Stevner A.B.A., Cantou P., Vuust P., Brattico E. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) The early adolescent brain on music: Analysis of functional dynamics reveals engagement of orbito-frontal cortex reward network. HBM, 44(2):429-446. |
| | Deco G., Sanz Perl Y., de la Fuente L., Sitt J., Tagliazucchi E. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) The arrow of time of brain signals in cognition: Potential intriguing role of parts of the default mode network. bioRxiv 450899. Network Neuroscience, 7(3): 966–998. |
|  | Capouskova K., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2022) Modes of cognition: evidence from metastable brain dynamics, Neuroimage 119489. |
| | Vuust P., Heggli O., Friston K. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) Reply to ‘Towards a cross-cultural framework for predictive coding of music’, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 3(10):641-642. |
| | Soler-Toscano F., Galadí J. A., Escrichs A., Sanz Perl Y., Lopez-Gonzalez A., Sitt J., Annen J. Gosseries O., Thibaut A., Panda R., Esteban F.J., Laureys S., Kringelbach M.L, Langa J. A. & Deco G. (2021) What lies underneath: Precise classification of brain states using time-dependent topological struc-ture of dynamics. PLoS Comp Biology, 18(9):e1010412. |
|  | Singleton S.P., Luppi A.I., Carhart-Harris R.L., Cruzat J., Roseman L., Deco G., Kringelbach M.L., Stamatakis E.A. & Kuceyeski A. (2022) Receptor-informed network control theory links LSD and psilocybin to a flattening of the brain's control energy landscape. Nature Communications, 13(1):5812. |
|  | Louzolo A., Lebedev A., Björnsdotter M., Acar K., Ahrends C., Kringelbach M.L., Ingvar M., Olsson A. & Petrovic P. (2022) Resistance to extinction of evaluative fear conditioning in delusion proneness. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 3(1): sgac033 |
|  | Escrichs A., Sanz Perl Y., Uribe C., Camara E., Türker B., Pyatigorskaya N., López-González A., Pallavicini C., Panda R., Annen J., Gosseries O., Laureys S., Naccache L., Sitt J.D., Laufs H., Tagliazucchi E., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2022) Unifying turbulent dynamics framework distinguishes differ-ent brain states. Communications Biology, 5(1):638. |
| | McCulloch D.E, G.M., Barrett F.S., Doss M.K., Carhart-Harris R.L., Rosas F.E., Deco G., Kringelbach M.L., Preller K.H., Ramaekers J.G., Mason N.L., Müller F. & Fisher P.M. (2022) Psychedelic resting-state neuroimaging: a review and perspective on balancing replication and novel analyses. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 138:104689. |
|  | Cabral J., Castaldo F., Vohryzek J., Litvak V., Bick C., Lambiotte R., Friston K., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2022) Synchronization in the connectome: Metastable oscillatory modes emerge from interactions in the brain spacetime network. Communications Physics, 5: 184. |
|  | Uribe C., Anira Escrichs A., Eleonora de Filippi E., Sanz-Perl Y.; Junque C., Gomez-Gil E., Kringelbach ML., Guillamon A. & Deco G. (2022) The gendered self: Evidence for differences in whole-brain dynamics. Human Brain mapping, 43(13):4103-4115. |
|  | Vohryzek J., Cabral J., Vuust P., Deco G. & Kringelbach ML. (2022) Understanding brain states across spacetime informed by whole-brain modelling. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 380: 20210247. |
|  | Deco G., Sanz Perl Y., Tagliazucchi E. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) The INSIDEOUT framework provides precise signatures of the balance of intrinsic and extrinsic dynamics in brain states. Communications Biology, 5(1):572. |
| | de la Fuente L., Zamberlan F., Bocaccio H., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., Sanz Perl Y. & Tagliazucchi E. (2022) Temporal irreversibility of neural dynamics as a signature of consciousness. Cerebral Cortex, 33(5):1856-1865. |
| request | Vuust P., Heggli O., Friston K. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) Music in the brain, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 23: 287-305. |
| | Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2022) The turbulent brain: The thermodynamic arrow of time in the mind, Aeon Magazine, https://aeon.co/essays/what-can-a-thermodynamics-of-mind-say-about-how-to-thrive. |
|  | Cruzat J., Sanz Perl Y., Escrichs A., Vohryzek J., Timmermann C., Roseman L., Luppi A.I., Ibañez A., Nutt D., Carhart-Harris R., Tagliazucchi E., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) Effects of classic psychedelic drugs on turbulent signatures in brain dynamics. Network Neuroscience, https://doi.org/10.1162/netn_a_00250. |
|  | Charquero-Ballester M., Kleim B., Ruff C., Stark E., McManners H., Bar-Haim Y., Woolrich M., Williams S.C.R., Vidaurre D., Kringelbach M.L. & Ehlers A. (2022) Insights into the dynamics of PTSD symptomatology and recovery. Human Brain Mapping, https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25846. |
|  | Lebedev A., Abe C., Acar K., Deco G., Kringelbach M.L., Ingvar M. & Petrovic P. (2022) Large-scale societal dynamics are reflected in human mood and brain. Scientific Reports, 12(1):4646. |
|  | Escrichs A., Sanz Perl Y., Martínez-Molina N., Biarnes C., Garre-Olmo J., Fernández-Real J.M., Ramos R., Martí R., Pamplona R., Brugada R., Serena J., Ramió-Torrentà L., Coll-De-Tuero G., Gallart L., Barretina J., Vilanova J.C., Mayneris-Perxachs J., Saba L., Pedraza S., Kringelbach M.L., Puig J. & Deco G. (2022) The effect of external stimulation on functional networks in the aging healthy human brain. Cerebral Cortex, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac151. |
|  | De Filippi E., Uribe C., Avila-Varela D.S., Martínez-Molina N., Gashaj V., Pritschet L., Santander T., Jacobs E.G., Kringelbach M.L., Sanz Perl Y., Deco G. & Escrichs A. (2022) The Menstrual Cycle Modulates Whole-Brain Turbulent Dynamics. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15:753820. |
|  | Bruzzone SEP, Lumaca M, Brattico E, Vuust P, Kringelbach M.L. & Bonetti L. (2022) Dissociated brain functional connectivity of fast versus slow frequencies underlying individual differences in fluid intelligence: a DTI and MEG study. Scientific Reports, 12(1):4746. |
| | Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2022) How can Waddington-like landscapes facilitate insights beyond developmental biology? Cell Systems, 13(1):4-9. |
|  | Ahrends C., Stevner A., Pervaiz U., Kringelbach M.L., Vuust P., Woolrich M.W. & Vidaurre D. (2022) Data and model considerations for estimating time-varying functional connectivity in fMRI. Neuroimage, 252:119026 |
2021 |  | Deco G., Vidaurre D. & Kringelbach M.L. (2021) Revisiting the Global Workspace orchestrating the hierarchical organisation of the human brain. bioRxiv, 859579. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-15. |
|  | Bonetti L., Brattico E., Carlomagno F., Donati G., Cabral J., Deco G., Haumann N.T. Deco G., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2021) Rapid encoding of musical tones discovered in whole-brain connectivity. Neuroimage, 118735. |
|  | Deco G., Sanz Perl Y., Vuust P., Tagliazucchi E., Kennedy H. & Kringelbach M.L. (2021) Rare long-range cortical connections enhance human information processing. bioRxiv 430236. Current Biology, 31:1-13. |
|  | Glomb K., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., Hagmann P., Pearson J. & Atasoy S. (2021) Multi-dimensional Functional harmonics reveal low dimensional embedding of human brain activity. bioRxiv 699678. Cell Reports, 36 (8): 109554. |
| request | Stark E., Stacey, J., Mandy W., Kringelbach M.L. & Happé F. (2021) ‘Uncertainty attunement‘ has explanatory value in understanding autistic anxiety. Trends in Cognitive Science, 25(12), 1011-1012. |
|  | Galadí J. A., Silva Pereira S., Sanz Perl Y., Kringelbach M.L, Gayte I., Laufs H., Suárez A., Tagliazucchi E., Langa J. A. and Deco G. (2021) A non-stationary description of the whole-brain dynamics underlying different human brain states. Biorxiv 846667. Neuroimage, 244:118551. |
|  | Sanz Perl Y., Pallavicini C., Pérez-Ipiña I., Demertzi A., Bonhomme V., Martial C., Panda R., Annen J., Ibañez A., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., Laufs H., Sitt J., Laureys S. & Tagliazucchi E. (2021) Perturbations in dynamical models of whole-brain activity dissociate between the level and stability of consciousness. PLoS Computational Biology, 17 (7): e1009139. |
|  | Sanz Perl Y., Bocaccio H., Pérez-Ipiña I., Laureys S., Laufs H., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. & Tagliazucchi E. (2021) Non-equilibrium brain dynamics as a signature of consciousness. Physical Review E, 104 (1): 014411. |
|  | Deco G., Kringelbach M.L, Arnatkevičiūtė A., Oldham S., Sabaroedin K., Rogasch N.C., Aquino K. & Fornito A. (2021) Dynamical consequences of regional heterogeneity in the brain’s transcrip-tional landscape. Science Advances 7(29), eabf4752. |
|  | Ponce-Alvarez A., Uhrig L., Deco N., Kringelbach M.L., Jarraya B. & Deco G. (2021) Macroscopic quantities of collective brain activity during wakefulness and under anesthesia. Cerebral Cortex, 32(2):298-311. |
|  | López-González A., Panda R., Ponce-Alvarez A., Zamora-López G., Escrichs A., Martial C., Thibaut A., Gosseries O, Kringelbach M.L., Annen J., Laureys S. & Deco G. (2021) Loss of consciousness reduces the stability of brain hubs and the heterogeneity of brain dynamics. Communications Biology 4(1), 1-15. |
|  | Deco G., Kemp M. & Kringelbach M.L. (2021) Leonardo da Vinci and the search for order in neuroscience. Current Biology, 31:R704-709. |
| request | Stark E., Stacey, J., Mandy W., Kringelbach M.L. & Happé F. (2021) Autistic Cognition: Charting Routes to Anxiety. Trends in Cognitive Science, 25(7):571-581. |
| request | Wong W. Cabral J., Rane R., Ly R., Kringelbach M.L. & Feusner, J.D. (2021) Effects of visual attention modulation on dynamic functional connectivity during own-face viewing in body dysmorphic disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology, 46(11):2030-2038. |
|  | Rué-Queralt J., Stevner A.B.A., Tagliazucchi E., Laufs H., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. & Atasoy S. (2021) Decoding brain states on the intrinsic manifold of human brain dynamics across wakefulness and sleep. Communications Biology, 4(1):854. |
|  | Foster Vander Elst O., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2021) Sweet anticipation and positive emotions in music, groove, and dance. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 39, 79-84. |
|  | Jancke D., Herlitze S., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2021) Bridging the gap between single receptor type activity and whole brain dynamics. The FEBS Journal, 289: 2067-2084. |
|  | Heggli O.A., Konvalinka I., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2021) A metastable attractor model of self–other integration (MEAMSO) in rhythmic synchronization. Philosophical Transactions B 376 (1835), 20200332. |
|  | Piccinini J., Pérez-Ipiña I., Laufs H., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., Sanz Perl Y. & Tagliazucchi E. (2021) Noise-driven multistability versus deterministic chaos in phenomenological semi-empirical models of whole-brain activity. Chaos, 31(2). |
|  | Aqil M., Atasoy S., Kringelbach M.L. & Hindriks R. (2021) Graph neural fields: a framework for spatiotemporal dynamical models on the human connectome. PLoS Computational Biology, 17 (1), e1008310. |
| request | Bar-Haim Y., Stein M.B., Bryant R.A., Bliese P.D., Yehuda A.B., Kringelbach M.L., Jain S., Dan O., Lazarov A., Wald I., Levi O., Neria Y. & Pine D.S. (2021) Traumatic Re-Experiencing: Pathognomonic of the Psychological Response to Traumatic Stress. American Journal of Psychiatry, 178(2):119-22. |
|  | Hahn G., Zamora-López G., Uhrig L., Tagliazucchi E., Laufs H., Mantini D., Kringelbach M.L., Jarraya B. & Deco G. (2021) Signature of consciousness in brain-wide synchronization patterns of monkey and human fMRI signals. Neuroimage, 226: 117470. |
|  | Signorelli C.M., Uhrig L., Kringelbach M.L., Jarraya B. & Deco G. (2020) Hierarchical disruption in the cortex of anesthetized monkeys as a new signature of consciousness loss. bioRxiv 2020.06.04.133538. Neuroimage, 227: 117618 |
|  | Jobst B.M., Atasoy S., Ponce-Alvarez A., Sanjuan A., Roseman L., Kaelen M., Carhart-Harris R., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2021) Increased sensitivity to strong perturbations in a whole-brain model of LSD. Neuroimage 227: 117809 |
2020 |  | Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2020) Brain States and Transitions: Insights from Computational Neuroscience. Cell Reports, 32(10):108128 |
|  | Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2020) Turbulence-like dynamics in the human brain. bioRxiv: 865923. Cell Reports, 33(10): 108471 |
| request | Perl Y.S., Boccacio H. Ipiña I.P., Zamberlán F., Laufs H., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., & Tagliazucchi E. (2020) Generative embeddings of brain collective dynamics using variational autoencoders. arxiv: 2007.01378. Physical Review Letters, 125(23): 238101. |
|  | Kringelbach M.L., Cruzat J., Cabral, J., Knudsen G.M., Carhart-Harris R.L., Whybrow P.C., Logothetis N.K. and Deco G. (2020) Dynamic Coupling of Whole-Brain Neuronal and Neurotransmitter Systems, PNAS, 117(17): 9566-76. |
| request | Perl Y.S., Pallavicini C., Ipiña I.P., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., Laufs H. & Tagliazucchi E. (2020) Data augmentation based on dynamical systems for the classification of brain states, Biorxiv 2020.01.08.898999. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 139: 110069. |
| request | Martinez S.A., Marsman JBC, Renken R.J., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G., & ter Horst G.J. (2020) Reduced spatiotemporal brain dynamics are associated with increased depressive symptoms after a relationship breakup. Neuroimage: Clinical, 27: 102299. |
|  | Vohryzek J., Deco G., Cessac B., Kringelbach M.L. & Cabral J. (2020) Ghost attractors in spontaneous brain activity: recurrent excursions into functionally relevant BOLD phase-locking states. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14:20. |
|  | Heggli O.A., Konvalinka I., Cabral J., Brattico E., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2020) Transient brain networks underlying interpersonal strategies during synchronized action. SCAN, 16 (1-2): 19-30. |
| request | Hallett M., de Haan W., Deco G., Dengler R. Di Iiorio R., Gallea C., Gerloff C., Grefkes C., Helmich R.C., Kringelbach M.L., Miraglia F., Rektor I., Strycek O., Vecchio F., Volz L.J., Wu T. & Rossini P.M. (2020) Human Brain Connectivity: Clinical Applications for Clinical Neurophysiology. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(7):1621-51. |
|  | Ipiña I.P., Kehoe P.D., Kringelbach M.L., Laufs H., Ibañez A., Deco G., Perl Y.S. & Tagliazucchi E. (2020) Modeling regional changes in dynamic stability during sleep and wakefulness. Neuroimage, 215: 116833. |
2019 |  | Deco G., Cruzat J., Cabral J., Laufs H., Tagliazucchi E., Logothetis N.K. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Awakening: predicting external stimulation to force transitions between different brain states. PNAS, 116 (36): 18088-97. |
|  | Stevner A.B.A., Vidaurre D., Cabral J., Rapuano K., Nielsen S.F.V., Tagliazucchi E., Laufs H., Vuust P., Deco G. Woolrich M.W., Van Someren E. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Discovery of key whole-brain transitions and dynamics during human wakefulness and non-REM sleep. Nature Communications 10:1035 . |
|  | Deco G., Cruzat J. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Brain songs framework for discovering the relevant timescale of the human brain. Nature Communications, 10: 583. |
| request | Atasoy S., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Harmonic waves as the fundamental principle underlying temporo-spatial dynamics of brain and mind. Physics of Life Review, 33:67-69. |
| request | Vila-Vidal M., Capouskova K., Atasoy S., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2019) Uncovering the spatio-temporal scales of common neuro-mental constructs. Physics of Life Review, 33:64-66. |
| request | Ahrends C., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Predictive Intelligence for Learning and Optimisation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. In The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence and Cognitive Neuroscience (eds Barbey A.K., Karama S. & Haier R.J.), p. 162-188. |
| request | Jespersen K.V., Stevner A., Fernandes H.M., Sørensen S.D., Van Someren E. Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2019) Reduced structural connectivity in Insomnia Disorder. Journal of Sleep Research, e12901. |
|  | Heggli O.A., Cabral J., Konvalinka I., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) A Kuramoto model of self-other integration across interpersonal synchronization strategies. PLoS Computational Biology, 15(10): e1007422. |
|  | Fernandes H.M., Cabral J., Lord LD., Gleesborg C., Møller A., Deco G., Whybrow P.C., Petrovic P., James A.C. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Disrupted brain structural connectivity in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Scientific Reports, 9: 13638. |
|  | Stark E.A., Cabral J., Riem M.M.E., IJzendoorn M.H., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) The power of smiling: the adult brain networks underlying learned infant emotionality. Cerebral Cortex, 30 (4): 2019-29. |
|  | Ahrends C., Bravo F., Kringelbach M.L., Vuust P. & Rohrmeier M.A. (2019) Expectation of worst possible outcomes does not explain aversion to ambiguity: Evidence from decision-making under uncertainty. Scientific Reports, 9: 12177. |
|  | Heggli O.A., Konvalinka I., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2019) Musical interaction is influenced by underlying predictive models and musical expertise. Scientific Reports, 9: 11048. |
| request | Expert P., Lord LD., Kringelbach M.L. & Petri G. eds. (2019) Editorial: Topological Neuroscience. Network Neuroscience, 3(3): 653-655. |
| request | Padilla N., Saenger V.M., van Hartevelt T.J., Fernandes H.M., Lennartson F., Anderson J.L.R., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. & Åden U. (2019) Breakdown of whole-brain dynamics in preterm born children. Cerebral Cortex, 30(3):1159-1170. |
|  | Parsons C.E., LeBeau R.T., Kringelbach M.L. & Young K.S. (2019) Pawsitively sad: Pet-owners are more sensitive to negative emotion in animal distress vocalisations. Royal Society Open Science, 6(8): 181555. |
|  | Lord L.D., Expert P., Atasoy S., Roseman, L., Rapuano K., Lambiotte R., Nutt D.J., Deco G., Carhart-Harris R., Kringelbach M.L. & Cabral J. (2019) Dynamical exploration of the repertoire of brain networks at rest is modulated by psilocybin. Neuroimage, 199: 127-42. |
|  | Fasano M.C., Semeraro C., Cassibba R., Kringelbach M.L., Monacis L., de Palo V., Vuust P. & Brattico E. (2019) Short-term orchestral music training reduces hyperactivity and inhibitory control in school-age children: A longitudinal behavioral study. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:750. |
| request | Donnelly-Kehoe P.D., Saenger V.M., Lisofsky N., Kühn S., Kringelbach M.L., Schwarzbach J. & Deco G. (2019) Reliable local dynamics in the brain across sessions are revealed by whole-brain modelling of resting state activity. bioRxiv, 104232. HBM, 40(10):2967-2980. |
| request | Figueroa C.A., Cabral J., Mocking R.J.T., Rapuano K., van Hartevelt T., Deco G., Schene A.H., Kringelbach M.L. & Ruhe H.G. (2019) Altered ability to access a clinically relevant control network in pa-tients remitted from Major Depressive Disorder. HBM, 10(9):2771-27860. |
| request | Jespersen K.V., Otto M., Kringelbach M.L., Van Someren E. & Vuust P. (2019) A randomized controlled trial of bedtime music for insomnia disorder. Journal of Sleep Research, e12817. |
| request | Young K.S., Parsons C.E., Stein A., Vuust P., Craske M.G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Neural responses to infant vocalisations in adult listeners. In: The Oxford Handbook of Voice Perception (eds. S. Frühholz and P. Belin), Oxford: OUP, pp. 251-275. |
| request | Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Music Improvisation, a challenge for empirical research. In: The Routledge Companion to Music Cognition (eds. R. Ashley & R.Timmers). London: Routledge. |
| request | Stark E., Berridge K.C. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Are we designed to be happy? The neuroscience of making sense of pleasure In: Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior (eds. Lance Workman, Will Reader, Jerome H Barkow) Cambridge University Press. |
| request | Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2019) Whole-brain modelling of neuroimaging data: moving beyond correlation to causation. In: Casting light on the Dark Side of Brain Imaging (eds. A. Raz & R.T. Thibault) Elsevier: New York, pp. 139-143. |
| request | Atasoy S., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Playing at the edge of criticality: Expanded whole-brain repertoire of connectome-harmonics. In: The Functional Role of Critical Dynamics in Neural Systems (eds. Herrmann M., Tümen N & Ernst U.). Springer, pp. 27-45. |
| request | Stark E., Stein A., Young K.S., Parsons C. & Kringelbach M.L. (2019) Neurobiology of parenting. In: Handbook of Parenting (Third Edition). Volume 2: The Biology and Ecology of Parenting. (Ed. M.Bornstein). London: Routledge, pp. 250-84. |
| request | Heggli O.A., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2019) Please Please Me! The pleasure of music in the brain. In: Routledge Companion To Music, Mind and Well-being (eds. J. Kennaway, P. Gouk, W. Thormaehlen & J. Prins). London: Routledge, pp. 205-218. |
2018 |  | Deco G., Cruzat J., Cabral J., Knudsen G.M., Carhart-Harris R.L., Whybrow P.C., Logothetis N.K. & Kringelbach M.L. (2018) Whole-brain multimodal neuroimaging model using serotonin receptor maps explains non-linear functional effects of LSD. Current Biology, 28(19): 3065-74. |
| request | Atasoy S., Vohryzek J., Deco G., Carhart-Harris R & Kringelbach M.L. (2018) Common neural signatures of psychedelics: Frequency-specific energy changes and repertoire expansion revealed using connectome-harmonic decomposition. Progress in Brain Research, 97-120. |
| request | Itzhacki J., Te Lindert B.H.W., Van Der Meijden W.P., Figueiro M., Rea M., Kringelbach M.L., Mendoza J. & Van Someren E.J.W. (2018) Environmental light and time of day modulate subjective liking and wanting: an experience sampling study. Emotion, 9(1):10-20. |
|  | Stark E., Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2018) Music, dance and other art forms: New insights into the links between hedonia (pleasure) and eudaimonia (well-being). Progress in Brain Research, 237: 129-152. |
|  | Daffertshofer A., Ton R., Pietras B., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2018) Scale-freeness or partial synchronization in neural mass phase oscillator networks: pick one of two? Neuroimage, 180:428-41. |
|  | Daffertshofer A., Ton R., Kringelbach M.L., Woolrich M.W. & Deco G. (2018) Distinct criticality of phase and amplitude dynamics in the resting brain. Neuroimage, 180:442-7. |
| request | Zou L., Zhou H., Zhuang Y., van Hartevelt T.J., Liu S.S.Y, Cheung E.F.C., Moeller A., Kringelbach M.L. & Chan R.C.K. (2018) Neural responses during the anticipation and receipt of olfactory reward and punishment in human. Neuropsychologia, 111:172-179. |
|  | Cruzat J., Deco G., Tauste Campo A., Principe A., Costa A., Kringelbach M.L. & Rocamora R. (2018) The dynamics of human cognition: increasing global integration coupled with decreasing segregation found using intracortical EEG. Neuroimage, 172:492-505. |
| request | Vuust P., Witek M., Dietz M. & Kringelbach M.L. (2018) Now You Hear It: A novel predictive coding model for understanding rhythmic incongruity. Annals of NY Academy for Sciences, 1423(1): 19-29. |
|  | Deco G., Cabral J., Saenger V.M., Boly M., Laufs H., Tagliazucchi E., Van Someren E., Jobst B., Stevner A.B.A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2018) Perturbation of whole-brain dynamics in silico reveals mechanistic differences between brain states. Neuroimage, 169: 46-56. |
2017 |  | Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Hierarchy of information processing in the brain: a novel 'intrinsic ignition' framework. Neuron, 94: 961-8. |
|  | Atasoy S., Roseman L., Kaelen M., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. & Carhart-Harris R. (2017) Critical brain dynamics under LSD revealed by connectome-specific harmonic decomposition. Scientific Reports, 7: 17661. |
| request | Te Lindert B.H.W., Itzhacki J., Van Der Meijden W.P., Figueiro M., Rea M., Kringelbach M.L., Mendoza J. & Van Someren E.J.W. (2017) Bright environmental light ameliorates deficient subjective wanting and liking in insomnia: an experience sampling study. Sleep, 41(4). |
|  | Deco G., Tagliazucchi E., Laufs H., Sanjuan A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Novel intrinsic ignition method measuring local-global integration characterises wakefulness and deep sleep. eNeuro, 4(5) e0106-17.2017 |
|  | Saenger V.M., Kahan J., Foltynie T., Friston K., Aziz T.Z., Green A.L., Van Hartevelt T., Stevner A., Fernandes H., Mancini L., Thornton J., Yousry T., Limousin P., Zrinzo L., Hariz M., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2017) Uncovering the underlying mechanisms and whole-brain dynamics of therapeutic deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease. bioRxiv, 083162. Scientific Reports, 7: 9882. |
| request | Atasoy S., Deco G., Kringelbach M.L. & Pearson J. (2017) Harmonic brain modes: a unifying framework for linking space and time in brain dynamics. The Neuroscientist, 11(2):211-215. |
|  | Crisp R. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Higher and lower pleasures revisited: evidence from neuroscience. Neuroethics, 11(2):211-215. |
| request | Cabral J., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2017) Functional connectivity dynamically evolves over static structural connectivity: models and mechanisms. Neuroimage, 160:84-96. |
| request | Deco G., Cabral J., Woolrich M., Stevner A.B.A., Van Hartevelt T. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Single or Multi-Frequency Generators in On-going MEG Data: a Mechanistic Whole-Brain Model of empirical MEG data. bioRxiv, 084103. Neuroimage, 152: 538-550. |
|  | Deco G., Kringelbach M.L., Jirsa V. & Ritter P. (2017) The dynamics of resting fluctuations in the brain: metastability and its dynamical core. bioRxiv, 065284. Scientific Reports, 7(1):3095. |
|  | Cabral J., Marques P., Magalhães R., Moreira P., Soares J.M., Deco G., Sousa N. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Cognitive performance in healthy ageing relates with the switching dynamics of functional connectivity during rest. Scientific Reports, 7: 5135. |
|  | Jobst B., Hindriks H., Laufs H., Tagliazucchi E., Hahn G., Ponce-Alvarez A., Stevner A.B.A, Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2017) Increased stability and breakdown of brain effective connectivity during slow-wave sleep: mechanistic insights from whole-brain computational modelling. Scientific Reports, 7:4634. |
| request | Riem M.M.E., IJzendoorn M.H., Parsons C.E., Young K.S., De Carli P., Kringelbach M.L. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2017) Experimental manipulation of infant temperament affects amygdala functional connectivity. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17(4): 858–68. |
|  | Bettinardi R.G., Deco G., Karlaftis V.M., Van Hartevelt T.J., Fernandes H.M., Kourtzi Z., Kringelbach M.L. & Zamora-López G. (2017) How structure sculpts function: unveiling the contribution of anatomical connectivity to the brain's spontaneous correlation structure. arXiv:1612.02243. Chaos 27: 047409 |
|  | Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Petersen M.V., Elmholdt E-M.J., Vuust P., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Duration of motherhood has incremental effects on mothers’ neural processing of infant vocal cues: a neuroimaging study of women. Scientific Reports, 7:1727. |
|  | Deco G., Van Hartevelt T., Fernandes H.M., Stevner A.B.A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) The most relevant human brain regions for functional connectivity: Evidence for a dynamical workspace of binding nodes from whole-brain computational modelling. Neuroimage, 146: 197-210. |
|  | Fjaeldstad A., Fernandes H.M., van Hartevelt T.J., Gleesborg C., Moeller A., Ovesen T. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Brain fingerprints of olfaction: a novel structural method for assessing olfactory cortical networks in health and disease. Scientific Reports, 7:42534. |
| request | Lord L.D., Stevner A., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Understanding principles of integration and segregation using whole-brain computational connectomics: implications for neuropsychiatric disorders. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 375: 20160283. |
| request | Parsons C., Young K., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Intuitive parenting: understanding the neural mechanisms of parents’ adaptive responses to infants. Current Opinion in Psychology, 15:40–4. |
| request | Van Hartevelt T.J., Fernandes H.M., Stevner A., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2017) Neural plasticity in human brain connectivity: the effects of deep brain stimulation. In: Rewiring the Brain: A Computational Approach to Structural Plasticity in the Adult Brain (eds. A. van Ooyen & M. Butz-Ostendorf), New York: Academic Press, 527-46. |
| request | Kringelbach M.L. and Berridge K.C. (2017) The affective core of emotion: linking pleasure, subjective well-being and optimal metastability in the brain. Emotion Review, 9(3):191-9. |
2016 | 
| Kringelbach M.L., Stark E.A., Alexander C., Bornstein M.H. & Stein A. (2016) On cuteness: Unlocking the parental brain and beyond. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 20(7): 545-58 |
| Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2016) Metastability and coherence: Extending the communication-through-coherence hypothesis from a whole-brain computational perspective. Trends in Neuroscience, 39(3):125-35. |
| request | Witek M. A. G., Popescu T., Clarke E., Hansen M., Konvalinka I., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2016) ‘Move On Up!’ Effects of syncopation on free body-movement in groove music. Experimental Brain Research, 235(4):995-1005. |
| Zamora-López G., Chen Y., Deco G., Kringelbach M.L. & Zhou C. (2016) Functional complexity emerging from anatomical constraints in the brain: the significance of network modularity and rich-clubs. Scientific Reports 6:38424. |
| request | Kringelbach M.L. & Rapuano K. (2016) Time in the orbitofrontal cortex. Brain 139(4): 1010-3. |
| Lord L.D., Expert P., Fernandes H.M., Petri G., Van Hartevelt T.J., Turkheimer F.E. & Kringelbach M.L. (2016) Insights into brain architectures from the homological scaffolds of functional connecivity networks. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 10:85. |
| Chan RCK & Kringelbach M.L. (2016) Editorial: At Risk for Neuropsychiatric Disorders: An Affective Neuroscience Approach to Understanding the Spectrum. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience 10:165. |
| request | Georgiadis J. & Kringelbach M.L. (2016) Intimacy and the brain: lessons from genital and sexual touch. In Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferents (H. Olausson, J. Wessberg, I. Morrison, and F. McGlone, eds), Springer, 301-21. |
|  | Young K.S., Parsons C.E., Vuust P., Craske M.G., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2016) The neural basis of responsive caregiving behaviour: Investigating temporal dynamics within the parental brain. Behavioural Brain Research, 325:105-16. |
|  | Young K.S., Parsons C.E., LeBeau R., Tabak B.A., Stewart A., Stein A., Kringelbach M.L., Craske M.G. (2016) Sensing emotion in voices: negativity bias and gender differences in a validation study of the Oxford Vocal ('OxVoc') Sounds Database. Psychological Assessment, 29(8): 967–77. |
| request | Zou L., van Hartevelt T.J., Kringelbach M.L., Cheung E.F.C., Chan R.C.K. (2016) The neural mechanism of olfactory hedonic processing and judgement: An ALE meta-analysis. Neuropsychology, 30(8):970-979 |
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Jegindø E.-M., Stein A., Kringelbach M.L. (2016) Interpreting infant emotion expressions: parenthood has differential effects on men and women. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 10:1-11. |
| Young K.S., Parsons C.E., Stevner A., Woolrich M.W., Jegindø E.-M., Hartevelt T.J., Stein A., Kringelbach M.L. (2016) Evidence for a caregiving instinct: rapid differentiation of infant from adult vocalisations using magnetoencephalography. Cerebral Cortex, 26(3):1309-21. |
| request | Rayson H., Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Goodacre T.E., Kringelbach M.L., Bonaiuto J.J., McSorley E. & Murray L. (2016) Effects of Infant Cleft Lip on Adult Gaze and Perceptions of ‘Cuteness’. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 54 (5): 562-570. |
| request | Boccard SGJ, Fernandes H., Jbabdi S., Van Hartevelt T.J, Kringelbach M.L., Qyaghebeur G., Moir L., Piqueras Mancebo V., Pereira EAC, Fitzgerald JJ, Green AL, Stein J., Aziz TZ (2016) A tractography study of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in chronic pain: a key to improve the targeting. World Neurosurgery, 86:361-370.e3. |
| request | Kringelbach M.L. & Berridge K.C. (2016) Drive and motivation in the brain. In SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology (ed. Miller H.), New York: SAGE, 240-44. |
2015 | 
| Kringelbach M.L., McIntosh A.R., Ritter P., Jirsa V. & Deco G. (2015) The rediscovery of slowness: exploring the timing of cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19(10):616-28. |
| request | Kringelbach M.L. & Cattrell A. (2015) An architecture of pleasure and pain. LA Plus, 2:10-17. |
| Stark E.A., Parsons C.E, Ehlers A., Van Hartevelt T.J., Charquero-Ballester M., McManners H., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2015) Post-traumatic stress influences the brain even in the absence of symptoms: A systematic, quantitative meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 56: 207-21. |
| Deco G., Tononi G, Boly M. & Kringelbach M.L. (2015) Rethinking segregation and integration: contributions of whole-brain modelling. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16:430-439. |
| Berridge K.C. & Kringelbach M.L. (2015) Pleasure systems in the brain. Neuron 86:646-664.
| Van Hartevelt, T.J., Cabral J., Møller A., Fitzgerald J.J., Green A.L., Aziz T.Z., Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2015) Evidence from a rare case-study for Hebbian-like changes in structural connectivity induced by long-term deep brain stimulation. Frontiers in Behavioural neuroscience, 9:167. |
| Gebauer L., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2015) Predictive coding links perception, action and learning to emotions in music. Physics of Life Review 13:50-52 |
| Witek M.A.G., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2015) Musical rhythm and affect. Physics of Life Review 13:92-94. |
| Kringelbach M.L. (2015) The pleasure of food: underlying brain mechanisms of eating and other pleasures. Flavour 4:20.
| Rømer Thomsen K., Whybrow P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2015) Reconceptualising anhedonia: novel perspectives on balancing the pleasure networks in the human brain. Frontiers in Behavioural neuroscience 9:49.
| Young K.S., Parsons C.E., Stein A., Kringelbach M.L. (2015) Motion and emotion: depression reduces psychomotor performance and alters affective movements in caregiving interactions. Frontiers in Behavioural neuroscience 9:26.
| request | Fjaeldstad A, Kjaergaard T, Van Hartevelt T.J., Møller A., Kringelbach M.L., Ovesen T. (2015) Olfactory screening: validation of Sniffin' Sticks in Denmark. Clinical Otolaryngology, 40(6): 545-50.
| Fernandes H.M., Van Hartevelt T.J., Boccard S.G.J., Owen S.L.F., Cabral J., Deco G., Green A.L., FitzGerald J.J. Aziz T.Z. & Kringelbach M.L. (2014) Novel fingerprinting method characterizes the necessary and sufficient structural connectivity from deep brain stimulation electrodes for a successful outcome. New Journal of Physics 17: 015001.
| Hindriks R., Woolrich M.W., Luckhoo H., Joensson M., Mohseni H., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2015) Role of white-matter pathways in coordinating alpha oscillations in resting visual cortex. Neuroimage, 106:328-39. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.10.057.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. (2015) A balanced mind: a network perspective on mood and motivation brain pathways. In Brain stimulation: methodologies and interventions (ed. Reti I.M.). Wiley, 15-28.
2014 | 
| Deco G. & Kringelbach M.L. (2014) Great expectations: using whole-brain computational connectomics for understanding neuropsychiatric disorders. Neuron, 84(3): 892-905.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Jegindø E.-M., Vuust P., Stein A., Kringelbach M.L. (2014) Musical training and empathy positively impact adults' sensitivity to infant distress. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:1440. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01440
| Kringelbach M.L. & DiPerna L. (2014) Pleasures of art. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(9):449-50.
| Parsons C.E, Young K.S., Craske M.G., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2014) Introducing the Oxford Vocal (OxVoc) Sounds Database: A validated set of non-acted affective sounds from human infants, adults and domestic animals. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:562. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00562.
| request | Stevner A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2014) Nydelsens neurobiologi. Kognition & Pædagogik, 24(93): 18-31.
| request | Bhandari R, van der Veen R, Parsons CE, Young KS, Voorthuis A, Bakermans-Kranenburg MJ, Stein A, Kringelbach ML, van IJzendoorn MH (2014) Effects of intranasal oxytocin administration on memory for infant cues: Moderation by childhood emotional maltreatment. Social neuroscience 9(5):536-547.
| Bhandari R., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Veen R., Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Grewen K.M., Stein A., Kringelbach M.L. & IJzendoorn M.H. (2014) Salivary oxytocin mediates the association between emotional maltreatment and responses to emotional infant faces, Physiology and Behaviour, 131: 123-128.
| request | Witek M.A.G., Clarke E., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2014) Effects of polyphonic context, instrumentation and metrical location on syncopation in music. Music Perception 32:(2), 201-217.
| Witek M. A. G., Clarke E., Wallentin M., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2014) Syncopation, body-movement and pleasure in Groove Music. PLoS ONE, 9(4): e94446.
| Boccard SGJ, FitzGerald JJ, Pereira EAC, Moir L, Van Hartevelt T.J, Kringelbach M.L., Green AL, Aziz TZ (2014) Targeting the Affective Component of Chronic Pain: A Case Series of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Neurosurgery, 74(6):628-635.
| Nakagawa T.T., Luckhoo H., Woolrich M.W., Joensson M., Mohseni H., Kringelbach M.L., Jirsa V., Deco G. (2014) How delays matter in an oscillatory whole-brain spiking-neuron model for MEG rhythms at rest. Neuroimage, 87:383-94.
| Mohseni H.R., Kringelbach M.L., Woolrich M.W., Baker A., Aziz T.Z. & Probert-Smith P. (2014) Non-Gaussian probabilistic MEG source localisation based on kernel density estimation. Neuroimage, 87:444-64.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. (2014) Balancing consumption: brain insights from the cyclical nature of pleasure. In The Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption (eds. Preston S, Kringelbach M.L. & Knutson B.), MIT Press.
| request | Preston S, Kringelbach M.L. & Knutson, B. (2014) Towards an interdisciplinary science of consumption. In The Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption (eds. Preston S, Kringelbach M.L. & Knutson B.), MIT Press.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. and Berridge K.C. (2014) Brain mechanisms of pleasure: the core affect component of emotion. In The Psychological Construction of Emotion (eds. Barrett LF & Russell J), New York: Guildford, 133-145.
| Van Hartevelt, T.J., Cabral J., Deco G., Møller A., Green A.L., Aziz T.Z. & Kringelbach M.L. (2014) Neural plasticity in human brain connectivity: the effects of long term deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's Disease. PLoSONE, 9(1): e86496.
| request | Van Hartevelt, T.J. & Kringelbach M.L. (2014) The olfactory cortex. In Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference (Arthur W. Toga ed.), Elsevier, 347-55.
| Cabral J., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2014) Exploring network dynamics underlying brain activity during rest. Progress in Neurobiology, 90:423-35.
| Cabral J., Luckhoo H., Woolrich M.W., Joensson M., Mohseni H.R., Baker A., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. (2014) Exploring mechanisms of spontaneous MEG functional connectivity: How delayed network interactions lead to structured amplitude envelopes of band-pass filtered oscillations. Neuroimage, 90:423-35.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Bhandari R., IJzendoorn M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. Stein A., Kringelbach M.L. (2014) The Bonnie baby: experimentally manipulated temperament affects perceived cuteness and motivation to view infant faces. Developmental Science, 17(2): 257-69.
| Boccard SGJ, Pereira EAC, Moir L, Van Hartevelt T.J, Kringelbach M.L., FitzGerald JJ, Baker IW, Green AL, Aziz TZ (2014) Deep brain stimulation of the anterior cingulate cortex: targeting the affective component in the management of chronic pain. Neuroreport, 25(2):83-8.
2013 | 
| Cabral J., Fernandes H.M., Van Hartevelt, T.J., James A.C., Kringelbach M.L., Deco G. (2013) Altered structural connectivity in schizophrenia and its impact on spontaneous functional networks. Chaos, 23: 046111.
| Parsons C.E, Stark E.A., Young K.S., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2013) Understanding the human parental brain: a critical role of the orbitofrontal cortex. Social Neuroscience, 8(6): 525-43.
| Mohseni H.R., Kringelbach M.L., Woolrich M.W., Aziz T.Z. & Probert-Smith P. (2013) A new approach to the fusion of EEG and MEG signals using the LCMV beamformer. ICASSP, 1202-6.
| Mohseni H.R., Kringelbach M.L., Woolrich M.W., Aziz T.Z. & Probert-Smith P. (2013) A Non-Gaussian LCMV beamformer for MEG Source Reconstruction. ICASSP, 1247-51.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Joensson M., Brattico E., Hyam J.A., Stein A., Green A.L., Aziz, T.Z., Kringelbach M.L. (2013) Ready for action: A role for the brainstem in responding to infant vocalizations. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, doi: 10.1093/scan/nst076.
| Callesen M.B., Scheel-Krüger J., Kringelbach M.L. & Møller A. (2013) A systematic review of impulse control disorders in Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 3:105-138.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Mohseni H., Woolrich M.W., Rømer Thomsen K., Joensson M., Murray L., Goodacre T., Stein A., Kringelbach M.L. (2013) Minor structural abnormalities in the infant face disrupt neural processing: a unique window into early caregiving responses. Social Neuroscience, 8(4):268-74.
| Rømer Thomsen K., Joensson M., Lou H. C. Møller A., Gross J., Kringelbach M.L. & Changeux J.P. (2013) Altered paralimbic interaction in behavioral addiction. PNAS, 110(12):4744-9.
| Berridge K.C. & Kringelbach M.L. (2013) Neuroscience of affect: Brain mechanisms of pleasure and displeasure. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 23(3):294-303. doi:S0959-4388(13)00033-0.
| request | Parsons C.E., Young K.S. & Kringelbach M.L. (2013) Neuroanatomy of pleasure and emotion. In The Neuropsychology of Psychopathology. (Noggle C.A. & Dean R.S., eds.) Springer Press, pp. 29-56.
| request | Berridge K.C. & Kringelbach M.L. (2013) Towards a neuroscience of well-being - implications of insights from pleasure research. In Human Happiness and the Pursuit of Maximization (Delhey J. & Brockmann H. eds.) Springer Press, pp. 81-100.
2012 | request | Gebauer L., Kringelbach M.L. & Vuust P. (2012) Ever-changing cycles of musical pleasure: The role of dopamine and anticipation. Psychomusicology, Music, Mind & Brain, 22(2), 152-167.
| Georgiadis J., Kringelbach M.L. & Pfaus J.G. (2012) Sex for fun: a synthesis of human and animal neurobiology. Nature Reviews Urology, 9(9): 486-498. doi:10.1038/nrurol.2012.151.
| Kringelbach M.L. & Berridge K.C. (2012) The joyful mind. Scientific American, 307(2):40-45.
| Georgiadis J. & Kringelbach M.L. (2012) The human sexual response cycle: brain imaging evidence linking sex to other pleasures. Progress in Neurobiology, 98(1): 49-81.
| Cabral J., Hugues E., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2012) Modeling the outcome of structural disconnection on resting-state functional connectivity. Neuroimage, 62(3):1342-1353.
| Hyam J.A., Kringelbach M.L., Silburn P., Aziz T.Z. & Green A.L. (2012) The autonomic effects of deep brain stimulation - a therapeutic opportunity. Nature Reviews Neurology, 8(7):391-400.
| Mohseni H.R., Probert Smith P., Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Hyam J.A., Stein A., Stein J.F., Green A.L., Aziz T.Z. & Kringelbach M.L. (2012) MEG can map short and long-term changes in brain activity following deep brain stimulation for chronic pain. PLoS ONE, 7(6):e37993.
| Young K.S., Parsons C.E., Stein A, Kringelbach M.L. (2012) Interpreting infant vocal distress: the ameliorative effect of musical training in depression. Emotion, 12(6):1200-5. doi: 10.1037/a0028705.
| Kringelbach M.L., Stein A. & Van Hartevelt T.J. (2012) The functional human neuroanatomy of food pleasure cycles. Physiology and Behaviour 106:307-316.
| Mohseni H.R., Woolrich M.W., Kringelbach M.L., Luckhoo H., Probert Smith P. & Aziz T.Z. (2012) Fusion of magnetometer and gradiometer sensors of MEG in the presence of multiplicative error. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 59(7): 1951-1961.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. (2012) The functional neuroanatomy of emotion and hedonic processing. In Neuroscience in the 21st Century. (Pfaff D, ed.) Springer Press, pp. 1335-63.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Parsons E., Stein A., Kringelbach M.L. (2012) Listening to infant distress vocalisations enhances effortful motor performance. Acta Paediatrica, 101(4):e189-91.
| Cabral J., Kringelbach M.L. & Deco G. (2012) Functional graph alterations in schizophrenia: a result from a global anatomical decoupling? Phamacopsychiatry, 45:S1-9.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Rochat T, Kringelbach M.L, Stein A. (2012) Postnatal depression and its effects on child development: a review of evidence from low and middle income countries, British Medical Bulletin, 101(4):e189-91.
| Hyam J.A., Owen S.L.F., Kringelbach M.L., Jenkinson N., Stein J.F., Green A.L. & Aziz T.Z. (2012) Contrasting connectivity of the VIM and VOP nuclei of the motor thalamus demonstrated by probabilistic tractography. Neurosurgery, 70(1):162-169.
| Van Hartevelt, T.J. & Kringelbach M.L. (2012) The olfactory system. In The Human Nervous System. 3rd Ed. (Mai, J. & Paxinos, G., eds), Elsevier, pp. 1219-1238.
2011 | 
| Kringelbach M.L. & Aziz, T.Z. (2011) Neuroethical principles of deep brain stimulation. World of Neurosurgery, 76(6): 518-9.
| Lou H.C., Joensson M., Kringelbach M.L. (2011) Yoga lessons for consciousness research: a paralimbic network balancing brain resource allocation. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:366.
| request | Mohseni H.R., Kringelbach M.L., Woolrich M.W., Smith P.P. & Aziz T.Z. (2011) A fast solution to robust minimum variance beamformer and application to simultaneous MEG and local field potential. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings , 545-548.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Parsons E, Dean A, Murray L, Goodacre T, Dalton L, Stein A, Kringelbach M.L. (2011) The impact of cleft lip on adults' responses to faces: cross-species findings, PLoS ONE 6(10): e25897.
| Berridge K.C. & Kringelbach M.L. (2011) Building a neuroscience of pleasure and well-being. Psychology of Well-Being: Theory, Research and Practice, 1:3.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Kumari N., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2011) The motivational salience of infant faces is similar for men and women. PLoS ONE, 6(5): e20632.
| Kringelbach M.L., Green, A.L. & Aziz, T.Z. (2011) Balancing the brain: resting state networks and deep brain stimulation. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 5:8.
| Rømer Thomsen K., Lou H.C., Jønsson M., Hyam J.A., Holland, P., Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Møller A., Stein A., Green A.L., Kringelbach M.L. & Aziz T.Z. (2011) Impact of emotion on consciousness: Positive stimuli enhance conscious reportability. PLoS ONE 6(1): e18686.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. & Berridge K.C. (2011) The neurobiology of pleasure and happiness. In Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics (Illes J. & Sahakian B.J., eds), Oxford University Press, pp. 15-32.
2010 | 
| Kringelbach M.L., Green A.L., Owen S.L.F., Schweder P.M. & Aziz T.Z. (2010) Sing the mind electric: principles of deep brain stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 32(7):1070-9.
| Kringelbach M.L. (2010) Finding pleasure in childhood. Nature, 467:918-9.
| Parsons C.E., Young K.S., Murray L., Stein A. & Kringelbach M.L. (2010) The functional neuroanatomy of the evolving parent-infant relationship. Progress in Neurobiology, 91: 220-241.
| Kringelbach M.L. & Stein A. (2010) Cortical mechanisms of human eating. Forum Nutr. 63: 164-175.
| Kringelbach M.L. & Berridge K.C. (2010) The neuroscience of happiness and pleasure. Social Research, 77:659-678.
| Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2010) The pleasure of making sense of music. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 35(2):168-85.
| Kringelbach M.L. & Berridge K.C. (2010) The functional neuroanatomy of pleasure and happiness. Discovery Medicine, 9(49): 579-87.
| request | Hansen P.C., Kringelbach M.L. & Salmelin R. (2010) Introduction to MEG. In MEG. An introduction to methods (Hansen P.C., Kringelbach M.L & Salmelin R, eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. vii-x.
| request | Kringelbach M.L., Hansen P.C., Green A.L. & Aziz T.Z. (2010) Using magnetoencephalography to elucidate the principles of deep brain stimulation. In MEG. An introduction to methods (Hansen P.C., Kringelbach M.L & Salmelin R, eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. 403-423.
| request | Cornelissen P.L., Hansen P.C., Kringelbach M.L. & Pugh K. (2010) Introduction. In The neural basis of reading (Cornelissen P.L., Hansen P.C., Kringelbach M.L & Pugh K, eds.), Oxford University Press, pp ix-xii.
| request | Cornelissen P.L., Kringelbach M.L. & Hansen P.C. (2010) Visual word recognition, the first 500 millliseconds. Recent insights from MEG. In The neural basis of reading (Cornelissen P.L., Hansen P.C., Kringelbach M.L & Pugh K, eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. 192-222.
| Kringelbach M.L. & Rømer Thomsen K. (2010) Colourful pleasures of the brain. In Colour in Art (Crenzien H. ed.), Louisiana/Dumont, pp. 106-113.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. and Berridge K.C. (2010) Introduction: the many faces of pleasure. In Pleasures of the brain (Kringelbach M.L & Berridge K.C., eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. 3-6.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. (2010) The hedonic brain: a functional neuroanatomy of human pleasure. In Pleasures of the brain (Kringelbach M.L & Berridge K.C., eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. 202-221.
| request | Kringelbach, M. L.(2010) Short Answers to Fundamental Questions about Pleasure. In Pleasures of the Brain (Kringelbach M.L & Berridge K.C., eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. 7-23.
| request | Vuust P. & Kringelbach M.L. (2010) The pleasure of music. In Pleasures of the brain (Kringelbach M.L & Berridge K.C., eds.), Oxford University Press, pp. 255-269.
2009 | 
| Kringelbach M.L. & Berridge K.C. (2009) Towards a functional neuroanatomy of pleasure and happiness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(11): 479-487.
| Kringelbach M.L. & Aziz T.Z. (2009) Deep brain stimulation: Avoiding the errors of psychosurgery. JAMA, 301(16): 1705-1707.
| Rømer Thomsen K., Callesen M.B, Linnet J., Kringelbach M.L. & Møller A. (2009) Severity of gambling is associated with severity of depressive symptoms in pathological gamblers. Behavioral Pharmacology, 20:527-536.
| Kringelbach M.L., Pereira E.A.C., Green A.L., Owen S.L.F. & Aziz T.Z. (2009) Deep brain stimulation for chronic pain. Journal of Pain Management, 3: 301-314.
| Kringelbach M.L., Green A.L., Pereira E.A.C., Owen S.L.F. & Aziz T.Z. (2009) Deep brain stimulation. The Biologist, 56:144-148.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. & Fejerskov O. (2009) Indsigt og udsyn: et internationalt perspektiv på fremtidens danske universitet. In Fremtidens Universitet (Sander H., ed.). Gyldendal.
| Cornelissen P.L., Kringelbach M.L., Ellis A.W., Whitney C. Holliday I.E. & Hansen P.C. (2009) Activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (pars opercularis) in the first 200 msec of reading: evidence from magnetoencephalography (MEG). PLoS ONE, 4(4): e5359. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005359.
| request | Kringelbach M.L. (2009) Neural basis of mental representations of motivation, emotion and pleasure. In Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences (Berntson G. G. & Cacioppo J.T., eds), New York: John Wiley and sons, pp. 807-28. |
| Grover P.J., Pereira E.A.C., Green A.L., Brittain J.-S., Owen S.L.F., Schweder P., Kringelbach M.L., Davies P.T. & Aziz T.Z. (2009) Deep brain stimulation for cluster headache. JOCN, 16:861-866. |
| Green A.L., Wang S., Stein J.F., Pereira E.A.C., Kringelbach M.L., Liu X, Brittain J.-S., Aziz T.Z. (2009) Neural signatures in patients with neuropathic pain. Neurology, 72:569-71. |
| request | Ray N.J., Jenkinson N., Kringelbach M.L., Hansen P.C., Pereira E., Brittain J.-S., Holland P., Holliday I.E., Owen S.L.F., Stein J. F. & Aziz T.Z. (2009) Abnormal thalamocortical dynamics may be altered by deep brain stimulation (DBS): using magnetoencephalography to study DBS for phantom limb pain. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience , 16:32-36.
| Kalbitzer J., Frokjaer V.G., Erritzoe D., Svarer C., Cumming P, Nielsen F.A., Hashemi S.H., Sayed H., Baaré W.F.C., Madsen J., Hasselbalch S.G., Kringelbach M.L., Mortensen E.L. & Knudsen G.M. (2009) The personality trait openness is related to cerebral 5-HTT levels. Neuroimage, 45:280-5. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.12.001.
2008 | 
| Kringelbach M.L. & Aziz T.Z. (2008) Sparking recovery with brain “pacemakers”. Scientific American Mind, 6:36-43. |
| Kringelbach M.L., Vuust P. & Geake J. (2008) The pleasure of reading. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 33.4, 321-335.
| Kringelbach M.L., Lehtonen A., Squire, S., Harvey A.G., Craske M.G., Holliday I.E., Green A.L., Aziz T.Z., Hansen P.C., Cornelissen P.L. & Stein A. (2008) A specific and rapid neural signature for parental instinct. PLoS ONE 3(2), e1664. |
| Berridge K.C. & Kringelbach M.L. (2008) Affective neuroscience of pleasure: Reward in humans and other animals. Psychopharmacology 199, 457-80. |
| Owen S.L.F., Heath J, Kringelbach M.L., Green A.L., Periera E.A.C., Jenkinson N., Jegan T., Stein J.F. & Aziz T.Z. (2008) Pre-operative DTI and probabilistic tractography in four patients with deep brain stimulation for chronic pain. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 15:801-5. |
2007 | 
| Kringelbach M.L., Jenkinson N., Owen S.L.F. & Aziz T.Z. (2007) Translational principles of deep brain stimulation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 8:623-635. |
| Kringelbach M.L., Owen S.L.F. & Aziz T.Z. (2007) Deep brain stimulation. Future Neurology, 2:633-46. |
| Owen S.L.F., Heath J., Kringelbach M.L., Stein J.F., Aziz T.Z. (2007) Pre-operative DTI and probabilistic tractography in an amputee with deep brain stimulation for lower stump pain: current status. British Journal of Neurosurgery, 21:485-490. |
| Kringelbach M.L. (2007) Emotion, feelings and hedonics in the human brain. In The Emotions: a cultural reader (H. Wulff, ed.) Oxford: Berg Publishers, pp. 37-60. |
| Kringelbach M.L. (2007) Orbitofrontal cortex: Emotioner og følelser i menneskehjernen. In Følelser og kognition (M. Skov & T. Wiben, eds.) Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, pp. 77-104. |
| Geake J. & Kringelbach M.L. (2007) Imaging imagination: brain scanning of the imagined future. In Proceedings of the British Academy, 147: 307-326. |
| Muthusamy K.A., Aravamuthan B.R., Kringelbach M.L., Jenkinson, N., Voets N.L., Johansen-Berg H., Stein J. F., Aziz T.Z. (2007) Connectivity of the human Pedunculopontine nucleus region (PPN) and diffusion tensor imaging in surgical targeting. Journal of Neurosurgery, 107:814-820. |
| De Pennington N., Cattrell A., Ray N., Jenkinson N.W., Aziz T.Z., Kringelbach M.L. (2007) Neuroimaging of sensory and affective experience in the human brain. CoDesign, 3:45-55. |
| Ray N.J, Kringelbach M.L, Jenkinson N., Owen S.L.F., Davies P., Wang S., De Pennington N., Hansen P.C., Stein J, Aziz T.Z. (2007) Using magnetoencephalography to investigate high frequency deep brain stimulation in a cluster headache patient. Biij, 3(1):e25. |
| Kringelbach M.L., Jenkinson N., Green A.L., Owen S.L.F., Hansen P.C., Cornelissen P.L., Holliday I.E., Stein J., Aziz T.Z. (2007) Deep brain stimulation for chronic pain investigated with magnetoencephalography. NeuroReport, 8(3):223-228. |
2006 | 
| Kringelbach M.L. (2006) Cortical systems involved in appetite and food consumption. In Appetite and body weight: integrative systems and the development of anti-obesity drugs (Cooper S.J. & Kirkham T. C., eds) London: Elsevier, pp. 5-26. |
| | Kringelbach M.L. (2006) Hjernerum – læring, motivation og emotion. In Innovation og aflæring (Pauli Nielsen, ed.), pp 18-48.
2005 | 
| Kringelbach M.L. (2005) The human orbitofrontal cortex: linking reward to hedonic experience. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6:691-702.
| | Kringelbach M.L. (2005) Fra sans til samling: Følelsernes rationalitet. Kritik, 174:11-21. |
2004 | 
| Pammer K., Hansen P.C., Kringelbach M.L., Holliday I.E., Barnes G., Hillebrand A., Singh K.D. & Cornelissen P.L. (2004) Visual word recognition: the first half second, Neuroimage 22(4):1819-1825. |
| Kringelbach M.L. (2004) Food for thought: hedonic experience beyond homeostasis in the human brain, Neuroscience, 126:807-819. |
| Kringelbach M.L. (2004) Emotion. In The Oxford Companion to the Mind 2nd edition (R.L. Gregory, ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 287-290. |
| Kringelbach M.L. & Rolls E.T. (2004) The functional neuroanatomy of the human orbitofrontal cortex: evidence from neuroimaging and neuropsychology, Progress in Neurobiology, 72:341-72. |
| Kringelbach M.L. (2004) Learning to change, PLoS Biology, 2(5): 577-579.
| Kringelbach M.L., de Araujo I.E.T. & Rolls E.T. (2004) Taste-related activity in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, Neuroimage, 21(2):781-788. |
| | O’Doherty J., Rolls E.T. & Kringelbach M.L. (2004) Neuroimaging studies of crossmodal integration for emotion. In Handbook of Multisensory Processing (G. Calvert, C. Spence & B. Stein eds.) Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp. 563-579. |
| Völlm B., de Araujo I.E.T., Cowen P., Rolls E.T., Kringelbach M.L., Smith K.A., Jezzard P., Heal R.J. & Matthews P. (2004) Methamphetamine activates reward circuitry in drug naïve human subjects, Neuropsychopharmacology, 29:1715-1722. |
2003 | 
| Kringelbach M.L. & Rolls E.T. (2003) Neural correlates of rapid context-dependent reversal learning in a simple model of human social interaction, Neuroimage, 20(2):1371-1383. |
| Kringelbach M.L., O’Doherty J., Rolls E.T. & Andrews C. (2003) Activation of the human orbitofrontal cortex to a liquid food stimulus is correlated with its subjective pleasantness, Cerebral Cortex, 13(10): 1064-1071. |
| De Araujo I.E.T., Rolls E.T., Kringelbach M.L., McGlone F. & Phillips N. (2003) Taste-olfactory convergence, and the representation of the pleasantness of flavour, in the human brain, European Journal of Neuroscience, 18:2059-2068. |
| De Araujo I.E.T., Kringelbach M.L., Rolls E.T. & McGlone, F. (2003) Human cortical responses to water in the mouth, and the effects of thirst, Journal of Neurophysiology, 90: 1865-1876. |
| De Araujo I.E.T., Kringelbach M.L., Rolls E.T. & Hobden, P. (2003) The representation of umami taste in the human brain, Journal of Neurophysiology, 90:313-319. |
| Rolls E.T., Kringelbach M.L. & de Araujo I.E.T. (2003) Different representations of pleasant and unpleasant odours in the human brain, European Journal of Neuroscience, 18:695-703. |
| Rolls E.T., O’Doherty J., Kringelbach M.L., Francis S., Bowtell S. & McGlone F. (2003) Pleasant and painful touch are represented in the human orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices, Cerebral Cortex, 13: 308-317 |
2002 | 
| Wilson J., Jenkinson M., Araujo I., Kringelbach M.L., Rolls E.T. & Jezzard P. (2002) Fast, fully automated global and local magnetic field optimisation for fMRI of the human brain, Neuroimage, 17: 967-976. |
2001 | 
| O’Doherty J., Kringelbach M.L., Rolls E.T., Hornak J. & Andrews C. (2001) Abstract Reward and Punishment Representations in the Human Orbitofrontal Cortex, Nature Neuroscience, 4(1):95-102.